Dear visitors, this is my small effort to share my day to day cases and new information with Veterinary Professionals..........Dr. Sambhaji G. Chavhan (Veterinary Pathologist).
Click on links given below to see...........
1. Neonatal Hypothermia in Lambs (Gross Postmortem Lesions).
2. Vitamin D3(Cholecalciferol) Toxicity in Rats.
3. A Case of Intestinal Coccidiosis in Layer Poultry Birds.
4. Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia (CLL) in Dog.
5. Hepatozoon canis infection in Dogs (Canine Hepatozoonosis).
6. Case of Vitamin B1 Deficiency.
7. A Case of Honey Bee Bite(sting) Anemia in Dog.
8. Triple Cervix (Corpus Simplex Cervix Triplex) Condition in Buffalo Heifer.
9. Fowl Typhoid in Young Giri Raj Chicks.
10. Veterinary Videos.
11. Next coming attractions under anatomic pathology section: a) Death in lambs due to neonatal hypothermia (gross lesions) b) Oestrus ovis infestation in sheep c) Slipped tendon condition in broiler poultry birds d) Amoebic dysentery in pup (gross lesions).
12. Next coming attractions under Clinical Pathology section: a) Clinical findings in Canine Hepatozoonosis, Haemoproteus columbae infection in pigeon, Cytouxzoon felis infection in cat, Bovine ehrlichiosis.
Thanking to All My Teachers, Seniors, Juniors & Colleagues for their Valuable Help & Moral Support. As I will get Time, I will Upload New & Interesting Cases.
Special Thanks to Dr.R.S.Brar (Professor, Vety. Path, COVS, Ludhiana), Dr.H.S.Banga (Professor, Vety. Path, COVS, Ludhiana) & Dr. N. V. Kurkure (Assoc. Professor, Vety. Path, NVC, Nagpur) for their Time to Time Help, Inspiration & Moral Support.